Simple Network Management Protocol

Exchange management information between network devices

  • Each Managed Device, a host or a router, maintains a number of Management Information Bases (MIBs)
  • Each managed device has an SNMP Agent to provide interface between MIBs and an SNMP Manager
  • An SNMP manager, usually implemented in Network Management System (NMS), can work with multiple SNMP agents
  • Uses well-known UDP port number 161/162 at the agent/manager

SNMP Message Format

  • Community Name
    • Access scope for SNMP managers and agents
    • A different community name will be discarded
  • Protocol Data Unit (PDU) Type specifies the SNMP message type
  • Request ID: match an SNMP request with the corresponding response

MIB (Management Information Bases)

A managed device maintains a large number of SNMP objects to store management information. The Structure of Management Information (SMI) defines the rules for describing management information and the data types used in SNMP.

  • Tree Structure
    • Each level of the tree consists of groups
    • Each group has its name and the associated numerical identifier
    • Leaves in the mib-2 subtree are MIB objects

Here is an example for MIB Tree Structure:

The leaf tcpMaxConn can be defined as or
