
To support a high availability, there are two complemenrary problems.


Active-passive Active-active
Entity An active server and a passive server Two active servers
Running Pattern heartbeats are sent between the active and the passive server on standby both servers are managing traffic, spreading the load between them.
Feature When the heartbeat is interrupted, the passive server takes over the active’s IP address and resumes service. If the servers are public-facing, the DNS would need to know about the public IPs of both servers. If the servers are internal-facing, application logic would need to know about both servers.
  • Disadvantage
    • Fail-over adds more hardware and additional complexity.
    • There is a potential for loss of data if the active system fails before any newly written data can be replicated to the passive.


Master-slave vs master-master

Sequence vs Parallel

For sequence

$Availability_{Total}= Availability_{Foo} \times Availability_{Bar}$

If both Foo and Bar each had 99.9% availability, their total availability in sequence would be 99.8%.

For parallel

$Availability_{Total} = 1 - (1 - Availability_{Foo}) \times (1 - Availability_{Bar})$

If both Foo and Bar each had 99.9% availability, their total availability in parallel would be 99.9999%.

The content is cited from System design primer – Avalability Patterns.
